W.G. is in the hood
William Gibson has returned to the world of blogging, and this time instead of writing about book tours and other uninteresting things, he's taken up politics.
Do I have a hundred thousand politically conservative fans, and if so, *can't they read*?.....
If I were to put together a truly essential thank-you list for the people who most made it possible for me to write my first six novels, I'd certainly owe as much to Ronald Reagan as to Bill Gates or Lou Reed. Reagan's presidency put the grit in my dystopia. His presidency was the fresh kitty litter I spread for utterly crucial traction on the icey driveway of uncharted futurity. His smile was the nightmare in my back pocket.
Although I have to agree with Gibson that I too much prefer the work of his friend Jack Womack. Elvissey BLEW MY MIND.
Womack is a major talent, and thus naturally labours in obscurity.
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